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Site Directory

Elam Alexander Academy offers services to students across our 8-county service area in both school-based and center-based sites. Below you will find the locations of our main centers as well as the schools across Middle Georgia that house our classes. 

Burke Program
2051 Second Street
Macon GA 31201
PH: (478) 779-3930
FX: (478) 779-4821

Adolescent Services
1775 Williamson Road
Macon, GA 31206
PH: (478) 779-4160
FX: (478) 779-4144

Elementary Schools
L.H. Williams Elementary School
Lindsey Elementary School
Turner Woods Elementary School

Middle Schools
Miller Middle School
Thompson Middle School

High Schools
Crawford County High School
Northside High School
Perry High School
Peach County High School
Northeast High School
Southwest High School